Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

Beucifilis was his horses name. Areosotle is Alexanders tutor as a child. He was teaching him that the Greeks are destined to rule. His parents did not get along well as well as he and his dad and he did not get along well. As a child he was taught about poetry and peace yet he was a great military mastermind. He was a captain in his fathers army at age 16 and he was the leader of one of the greatest empire by the age 30. His mother told him that he was the descendant of a God. Arostotle taught about Alexander and after his father was killed, he was the leader of Macedonia. Gaugamela was a battle that was a battle of Alexander the Great and he was outnumbered severely. They had an army of 40,000 against 250,000. He had a great strategy that was to allow him to kill their leader. He got close to killing Darius but than he retreated in fear. He eventually defeats the Persian army but than he decided to invade India. The battle of Hydaspes was the last great battle of Alexander's career.

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