Friday, April 29, 2011

Rome Pictures


Rome notes continued

consul - the two officials of Rome
veto - An overrule of one's consul
senate - the aristocratic branch
assembly - is another thing that has to do with the government
dictator - a leader who had absolute power to make and command the army
mercenary - a guy who gets paid to do business for the military or gets paid by someone to do a mission

1a) Because they didn't have a chance to decide what the government was doing.
1b) Because they were able to outsmart the government.
1c) They let the people finally vote and decide what changes and things that they wanted the government to do.
2) Because the citizens were able to make to make decisions as well as the government could.
3) Because they let the people continue what they were doing before they conquered them.
4a) Because they had a greater navy.
4b) Because they had better tactics than them.
5) Because it was one of the first wars that Romans won.
6a) They first welcomed the Roman armies because they seemed friendly.
6b) The Greek attitude changed because they were trying to boss them around.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today in class we took a quiz on the thing that we read about the Roman empire. I think that I did bad on the quiz. We also wen over the quiz today which confirmed that I did do bad on it. That is all we did in class today and we had homework in which we had to take notes on.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Republic - a political untit that is not ruled by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote chose their leaders
Gravitas - A person with weightiness or seriousness.
Pater familias - The oldest man in the families
Toga - A form of Roman clothing
Patrician - The upper class families
Plebeian - The common farmers, artisans, and merchants
Legion - Learning to fight Roman - style meant being part of a massive military unit
Century - a period of 100 years

1) The geography of Rome helped Rome because of the many rivers and access to the Mediterranean which let them get goods in and out of the country easily.
2) The Latins, Greeks, and Etruscans were important part of the Roman development because the Latins were the first people to colonize the Roman regions and than came the Greeks, than finally the Etruscans.
3) The values of early Roman society were to be powerful and had great elegance at the same time.
4) The roman household was organized by the women being in charge of it daily. The freedoms that the women had in the family and in society were to be in charge of the families while the guys went out and did all of the dirty works.
5) The army was linked into the Roman society because all male citizens were made to join it.

Tarquin was the last Roman monarch/king

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Test Question Review

What were the different columns used in Greek architecture? - Doric, Corinthian, and Ionic.
What was the year when people first revolted against their leaders? - 508 B.C.
What were the ancient Greek sculpture made of? Marble Bronze and limestone
What are the five forms ancient Greek art are in? Architecture, sculptural, painting, pottery
Who were the three big philosophers? Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
What happened to Socrates? He was charged with corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety and was sentenced to death.
Who was Plato? He was Socrates students and he had a political philosophy.
Who was Aristotle? He was Plato's student and founded the logical theory.
What are the three main drama categories? Comedy, Tragedy, and Satirs
Where were the plays played? They were played in theaters

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

Beucifilis was his horses name. Areosotle is Alexanders tutor as a child. He was teaching him that the Greeks are destined to rule. His parents did not get along well as well as he and his dad and he did not get along well. As a child he was taught about poetry and peace yet he was a great military mastermind. He was a captain in his fathers army at age 16 and he was the leader of one of the greatest empire by the age 30. His mother told him that he was the descendant of a God. Arostotle taught about Alexander and after his father was killed, he was the leader of Macedonia. Gaugamela was a battle that was a battle of Alexander the Great and he was outnumbered severely. They had an army of 40,000 against 250,000. He had a great strategy that was to allow him to kill their leader. He got close to killing Darius but than he retreated in fear. He eventually defeats the Persian army but than he decided to invade India. The battle of Hydaspes was the last great battle of Alexander's career.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Today in class 4/12

We continued to present out projects. We watched the one movie about Greece again for the hundredth time. We took notes on Socrates. I presented my project today. I did my project on Greek wars and the Greek army. Two other people presented before me today. Two more people still need to present. There was three people absent in class today.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Presentation Notes

Breakthroughs in Math + Science:  97%

  • The Greeks produced many theories in math and science that are still used today.
  • They came up with the theory of pi and they came up with geometry but they hated using algebra
  • They figured how to measure the circumference of the earth
  • The Greeks were able to predict an eclipse and they came up with the Pythagorean theory
Why didn't the Greeks like algebra?
How were the Greeks able to predict the circumference of the Earth?
How did they come to the conclusion that the sun is not a god?

Homer:  89%
  • He was born around 8 and 9 century b.c.
  • He was a blind man who told stories such as the Iliad and the Odyssey
  • When Homer was born they were just inventing a form of the Greek alphabet
  • Homer got other people to write down the stories of the Iliad and the Odyssey
Was Homer real?
Was his name lower case and capital sometimes?
How did homer write the stories when he was blind?

Greek Philosophy:  99%

  • Some philosophers believed in reincarnation
  • Socrates asked people if they didn't understand some questions and theories.
  • Allegory of the cave shadow of the real world 
  • Aristotle found logical theory
  • Epicureans believed in making a happy life for yourself.
  • Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living
Were many of these philosophers theories rejected by society?

Hellenic Age:  99%
  • The age started when Alexander the Great died.
  • Alexander the Great wanted to mix cultures together.
  • During the Hellenic Age the Great Wall of China started its construction
  • The toga was the most common clothing during that age.
  • Alexander the Great's death marked the beginning of the age
  • When he died he passed on his empire to 4 different people
All of my notes today 4/8 that I took in class were deleted.

History of Ancient Greek Art: 100%

  • Not a lot of Greek art is left for people to study today
  • There was many periods of Greek art
  • There was also many types of art like painting and sculpting
  • Myron was a Greek sculptor
  • Another sculptor was Phidias
  • Phidias was acknowledged as the greatest sculptor of Greece
  • One more sculptor was Lysippus
  • Polyclitus was another Greek sculptor
  • Polyclitus was considered one of the best sculptors in Greece
  • Praxiteles was another sculptor
  • Scopas was a sculptor 
Was the greek sculptors really respected in society?
What tools did they use to sculpt?
Did they sculpt actual people, or just people in their heads?

Greek Drama: 100%
  • It is the theatrical culture that flourished in ancient Greece
  • The Greek drama was taken seriously and was a big part of their society
  • Comedy plays was an important part of ancient Greece
  • Comedy was defined as fiction and so was tragics
  • Tragics weren't necessary tragic
  • Satyr plays were short plays performed between the acts of tragedies and made fun of
  • Theaters were carved into the sides of rocks
  • The actors were usually all men

Alexander's Conquest: 99%

  • He was born in Pella, capital of Macedonia
  • He was son of Phillip II
  • He first attacked Asia Minor on his conquest and than he went on to capture the Persian empire and he attacked Egypt, but he attacked India and was forced to retreat. 
  • He died in Babylon in 323 B.C.
  • The reasons why the countries that he conquered liked him was because he like to mix the cultures.
  • He died at age 32
How old was Alexander when he had his first battle?
What country did he first invade?
How old was he when he died?