Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Continued Notes on Guns Germs and Steel

Continuing guns germs and steel, he realized that the question was a always asked and you could look in history and ask that question yourself. To understand where inequality came from he had to see how people lived before inequality existed 13000 years ago. People back than lived like people every where. One of the few places on earth where it is still possible to see people hunting and gathering is Papua New Guinea. You have to be smart to be an hunter because you have to know how to stalk and where to find the food. Because hunting is so unpredictable traditional societies is done by gathering. Gathering is a more productive way to provide food than hunting. In the middle east there was very different plants to gather barley and wheat. These simple grasses had a large impact. A drought from an ice age lasted for more than a thousand years. This changed the survivability of the middle east. People had to build very different homes to survive. It was a big adjustment to be made. People where able to feed villages with these buildings they made that they could store grain that insects and water couldn't reach. The grains being stored were primarily wheat and barely. People eventually made towns near water supplies and would plant seeds and grow farms. Before this people would follow herds of animals to hunt. Before this, they would also make a temporary structure so they could keep following the animals. The stone age people in the middle east became the first farmers in the world. The way crops are changed by humans is domestication. This is the same process farmers were doing thousands of years ago in the middle east. There are only a few parts in the ancient world where people began farming on their own. Most places where farming emerged meant a great civilization was following it. Archeologists believe that Yalli's people where one of the earliest farmers in the world. New Guinna crops are low in protein and they can't be stored. They are also hard to plant because they have to be planted individually. In order for them to get protein they sometimes need to eat giant spiders. The people that had the better crops became the more advanced civilization.

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