Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today in class we took a quiz what I thought that I would pass, but I failed it. Now that has brought my grade down to a seventy and I really have to get an A on my exam for this class and I hope to God that I did well on my report.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today in class we continued going over the power point so that we will be ready for the test tomorrow. I am going to study for this test because I am determined to pass this test. At the end of class today we were also forced to go into the hall way because of a tornado warning and we ended up staying after school for an extra hour which sucks.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rome Becoming An Empire

Octavian is the first emperor in the Roman empire
A great invention of the time was the aqua ducks which could transport water into the cities for everyone to use.
Jesus was born a Roman citizen
When Jesus would say words like "My Kingdom will inherit the Earth" made the Romans really worried

Top Six most Influential People in the History of Mankind:
1)Muhammad  2)Sir Isaac Newton  3)Jesus  4)Buddha  5)Confucius  6)St. Paul of Tarsus

When Claudius was leader, he was born with some sort of a mental condition

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Today in class we went over our test's. We went over the ancient Greek test that I took a few weeks ago and I got a 77 on it which is a lot worse than I thought that I would do. We also went over the Rome quiz that I took last week. I got a 62 on it and that is definitely a lot worse than I thought that I would do on it. I am going to try to study harder and prepare more for my test's in this class and I am going to remember to post about what we did in the class that day so that doesn't make my grade plummet before school ends because I don't want to go to summer school and I am trying to get honors this quarter. I am going start cracking down on myself now that we are almost at the end of school because I don't want to bomb my classes in the home stretch.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Presentation Notes

The Latins first settled in Rome, than the Greeks, than the Atruscrians.
The consul was the highest elected office of Rome.
A democracy is a form of government in which all citizens have a say on what they want their government to do.
A monarchy is a form of government rules like a king and it is hereditary
The Punic wars were wars between Carthage and Rome
The Latifundias were plantations were ran by slave owners and they let the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
The Gracchus brothers wanted to help the people who were having their land taken
When they were killed by the rich, it started a 100 year war
The Rubicon is a river that Julius Caesar crossed because he was on his way back from the war of Gual
The decision he made for that started a fall for his country
Octavian ruled with Mark Anthony and was the adopted son of Julius Caesar.
Eventually a war broke out between Octavian and Mark

Friday, April 29, 2011

Rome Pictures


Rome notes continued

consul - the two officials of Rome
veto - An overrule of one's consul
senate - the aristocratic branch
assembly - is another thing that has to do with the government
dictator - a leader who had absolute power to make and command the army
mercenary - a guy who gets paid to do business for the military or gets paid by someone to do a mission

1a) Because they didn't have a chance to decide what the government was doing.
1b) Because they were able to outsmart the government.
1c) They let the people finally vote and decide what changes and things that they wanted the government to do.
2) Because the citizens were able to make to make decisions as well as the government could.
3) Because they let the people continue what they were doing before they conquered them.
4a) Because they had a greater navy.
4b) Because they had better tactics than them.
5) Because it was one of the first wars that Romans won.
6a) They first welcomed the Roman armies because they seemed friendly.
6b) The Greek attitude changed because they were trying to boss them around.